
Home to NYC & Westchester's Sea Cadets

Navy Aircraft

Honor & Respect

Our mission is to build leaders of character. We do so by offering hands-on and experiential training in partnership with the Navy and its sister services to instill the highest ideals of honor, respect, commitment, and service.
We offer two programs: The Naval Sea Cadet Corps (NSCC) program for high-schoolers and the Navy League Cadet Corps (NLCC) for middle-schoolers.

Begins Here

Greatness Begins Here

The United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps (USNSCC) is a youth leadership development program sponsored by both the U.S. Navy and Coast Guard.

Sea Cadet Oath

I promise to serve God, honor our flag, abide by the Naval Sea Cadet Corps Regulations, and to carry out the orders of the officers appointed over me, and so conduct myself as to be a credit to myself, my unit, the Naval Sea Cadet Corps, the Navy, the Coast Guard, and my country.

Who We Are

USNSCC was established
USNSCC 1st Scholarship
1st Annual Federal Grant

The United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps (USNSCC) is a nonprofit, national youth leadership development organization sponsored by the US Navy and the US Coast Guard. We build the leaders of tomorrow while instilling strong moral character and life skills through leadership and technical programs modeled after the Navy’s professional development system.

Sea Cadets gain unique and valuable experiences that incorporate hands on learning and teamwork. Our diverse program includes seamanship, sailing, aviation, security, building robots, medical, STEM, SCUBA, submarines, photography, culinary, special forces training, and an international exchange program. Cadets grow in confidence as they train in a highly structured and disciplined environment that stresses both personal accountability and teamwork. Our cadets wear uniforms, adhere to fitness and grooming standards, and are held to the highest standards of behavior.

Official Partners


What We Do

Our Unit, the George Washington Division, is housed at SUNY Maritime, centrally located under the Throggs Neck and White Stone bridges. We have access to classrooms, computer labs, pool, indoor gym, ship simulator, Marine obstacle course, and waterfront activities. Midshipmen from the college’s Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps (NROTC) help train the middle and high school-aged NYC Sea Cadets. Right next to this manicured peninsula-campus is the Navy Reserves Center (NRC). Looking south, directly across the Sound, is the Merchant Marine Academy (USMMA). And about 1.5 hours north is the West Point Academy. We drill one weekend per month, train to be physically suited to pass the biannual Physical Readiness Test, and take field trips to naval bases, museums, and memorials. We learn about the US NAVY history, do coursework, get well-deserved promotions, and proudly represent our unit in parades. Last, we have the opportunity to travel all over the US and take advanced trainings in engineering, sailing, culinary, space camps, aviation, photo journalism, medical training and more, offered by the different units.

Cadet Advancement

Recruit Candidate (RC)

Required Coursework: SR in POLARIS
Required Training: Level 1+ PRT
Time Allowed: 3 month

Seaman Recruit (SR)

Required Coursework: SC-1 in POLARIS
Required Training: Pass PRT
Time Allowed: 3-6 months

Seaman Apprentice (SA/AA)

Required Coursework: SC-2 in POLARIS
Required: Recruit Training (RT, aka "Bootcamp")
Time Allowed: 0-6 months

Seaman/Airman (SN/AN)

Required Coursework: SC-3 in POLARIS
Required: At least one (1) Advanced Trainings (AT)
Time Allowed: 6-12 months

Petty Officer Third Class (PO3)

Required Coursework: SC-4 in POLARIS
Required: At least one (1) Advanced Trainings (AT)
Time Allowed: 12-18 months

Petty Officer Second Class (PO2)

Required Coursework: SC-5 in POLARIS
Required: At least one (1) Advanced Trainings (AT)
Time Allowed: 18-24 months

Petty Officer First Class (PO1)

Required Coursework: SC-6 in POLARIS
Required: At least one (1) Advanced Trainings (AT) & POLA Training.
Time Allowed: 24-30 months

Chief Petty Officer (CPO)

Required Coursework: SC-7 in POLARIS
Required: At least one (1) Advanced Trainings (AT) & Staff Training.
Time Allowed: 30-36 months
©George Washington Division

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